Advance planning is just that—an advanced planning of your funeral and memorial service. Our life’s most important events require responsibility and preplanning to ensure success, so we provide this for weddings, having children, retirement, etc. However, we may neglect one of the most important events of all, a funeral. And a funeral deserves the same level of consideration we give to any other significant occasion.

See the following objectives to learn more about the importance and benefit of planning ahead for a funeral.

Your Final Gift: Peace of Mind

Often times, funerals are not planned ahead of time, leaving this potential burden to those left behind. Emotions are high during such a period of heavy grief, causing difficulties in the decision-making process. Advance Planning means your family can focus on healing and taking care of your remaining estate and assets. There will be less confusion, distress and financial weight placed on their shoulders. This can be your final gift to them: peace of mind.

And if death comes unexpectedly, the deceased may not have communicated any personal wishes regarding their final arrangements. This causes the well-known predicament of “What would they have wanted us to do?” Deciding under this extreme pressure is stressful, but avoidable, with advance planning.

Ensure Things Are Done Properly

By planning ahead, you can make decisions calmly and sensibly, without emotions getting the say. This allows you the potential to prevent any unforeseen issues, as things were not left to the last minute. And because your funeral will be locked in at current rates, you (and your loved ones) will avoid the rising costs of final arrangements.

A visit with a funeral planning professional can provide you with valuable information, helping you ensure things are done properly. Whether you want an in-ground burial or cremation, and need help selecting a casket, vault or urn, you can gain a clear picture of what’s right for you. Once a plan is decided, a prearranged agreement is signed and ensures your wishes are fulfilled. Your plan is also transferrable, keeping you covered if you move out of state or change funeral homes.

A Matter of Personal Choice

Having the ability to make choices for yourself based on your personal preference is important to most people. Thus, creating a prearranged, organized, and financed funeral makes sense. Your loves ones will have a valuable guide to follow, because you will have made your wishes known to them. They will also have relief, as your funeral’s costs will not be their responsibility.

For many, this is an important final step of retirement. Beginning this process is great at any time but starting in your 50’s or 60’s can give you more time to think about your decisions and fund your plan. You can rest easy, knowing things are taken care of properly.

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