General Funeral and Cremation Costs

Funeral and Cremation Costs

Funeral costs have always been shrouded in mystery. Our goal is to bring transparency to the costs and to provide you with all your options. Preparing funeral services is hard enough while grieving without the added stress of trying to work through the maze of pricing and options. Below are some of the main options and what the cost can range up to.

Burials– Standard burials and funeral services can range from $7,200 and up. Depending on what options you choose the end number can reach over $20,000 quickly.

Cremation – Standard cremation and a service can range from $2,000- $12,000 and up
Shrouds and Boards – Standard prices for these items range from $200 separately up to $2,000 combined. These can be used in both cremation or green burial.
Liquid Cremation – This is a controversial and you will need to check if your state allows this. These can range from $2,400 up. To see if your state is approved click here
• Plant based Urns (Living Urns) and Pods – These can range from $149.00 and up. This is a green burial option and most are made from biodegradable material.

Final Expense Life Insurance can help offset some of these costs. This is a great article explaining both costs and insurance options.

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